About Us


Pilipinas Kaneko Seeds Corporation was established in October 1982.  It is a joint venture between Filipino investors and Kaneko Seeds Co., Ltd., a well-established company founded in 1895 and considered one of the leading seed companies in Japan.

Since its organization in 1982, PKSC has been supplying highly reliable and best quality seeds not only to domestic customers, but has been exporting to several countries as well.  Undoubtedly, our best and tested products have created an impact in the seed industry for the past years; thus, attaining its mission to contribute to the development of the seed industry in the Philippines.

Extensive Research and Development

Having “quality” in mind, PKSC has been undertaking a relentless research program-conducting adaptability tests, trials and breeding activities for both imported and local varieties.  We have developed hybrid lines and synthetic vegetables adaptable to the Philippines and other tropical countries.

Continuing Driving Force

We, at Kaneko are continually finding ways to address the nagging issues of growing population, decreasing cultivatable land and changing economies through integrated agri-business approach.  We are steadfastly identifying ways on how to improve the value generated from each piece of land without harming the environment.  Taking our commitment a step further, we would like to see ourselves contributing to the sustainable quality of life of all those in the food supply chain, from the producers in the agricultural sector to the end customers.